Appointment of the Kativik School Board President and of the Executive Committee members

Montreal, Qc. (December 9, 2014) – The recently elected Kativik School Board (KSB) Council of Commisisoners is holding its first meeting this week, from December 9 to 12, in Montreal.
At their meeting today, the Commissioners have elected, from amongst themselves, the Kativik School Board President, Vice-President and members of the Executive Committee.
We are glad to announce the names of the incumbents:
- KSB President and Executive Committee member: Alicie Nalukturuk
- KSB Vice-President and Executive Committee member: Peter Papyarluk
- Executive Committee member: Joseph Annahatak
- Executive Committee member: Sarah Baulne
- Kativik Regional Government representative and Executive Committee member: Charlie Tooktoo
This Council of Commissioners was elected on November 19. Its members will serve a three-year term as members of the Kativik School. This first meeting of the new Council of Commissioners is being held from December 9 to 12, in Montreal.
About us:
The Kativik School Board (KSB) was created in 1975, under the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Since 1978, it has been the exclusive provider of academic services to the Nunavik population. Education programs developed by the KSB are offered in schools of the 14 Nunavik communities, in Inuktitut as first language and in French and English as second languages. More information at:
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For information, please contact:
Jade Duchesneau Bernier
Public Relations Officer
(514) 482-8220